Family Discipleship June Week 4

June 23rd - 29th

Walls and Worship

Watch the Youtube video of this week's lesson.
This weeks big truth is:
We worship God when we gather together to hear and obey God's word.
This weeks memory verse is: 
 I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
 (Jeremiah 31:33)

Here are a few questions for your family to discuss this week based on the teaching your kids received in class on Sunday. Space these questions out throughout the week and find natural times to bring them up. Use these questions to spark conversation over dinner or on a car ride.

Question One: What is the biggest or the coolest thing you've ever built?

Question Two: We know that God is all-powerful. How did he show his power in this story? Did he use other people to help his people? Who did he use?

Question Three: Was Nehemiah a good leader? Did he make mistakes? What made Nehemiah a good leader? How can we be more like Nehemiah? 

Question Four: What did the Israelites do when they finish building the wall? What can we learn about worshipping God from the Israelites?

Question Five: What hopeful prophecy did Jeremiah make? how did God fulfill that amazing promise?
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