Family Discipleship September Week 3

September 15th- 21st

A Marriage Made in Heaven

Watch the Youtube video of this week's lesson.
This weeks big truth is:
God's love and mercy is shown to sinners, who don't deserve it.
This weeks memory verse is: 
God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
 (Romans 5:8)

Here are a few questions for your family to discuss this week based on the teaching your kids received in class on Sunday. Space these questions out throughout the week and find natural times to bring them up. Use these questions to spark conversation over dinner or on a car ride.

Question One: Why wouldn't someone want to marry Gomer? Why did God ask Hosea to marry her?
Question Two: What did God want to show his people through their marriage?

Question Three: Dhow were God's people and Gomer alike? What did they both deserve because of their sin?
Question Four: How does the story of Hosea and Gomer end? What does Hosea's love for Gomer tell us about God's love for his people
Question Five: Who did God send to show us how much he loved us? how did Jesus show us his love? How can we be welcomed as God's children even though we have sinned and broken our promises to God?

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