Family Discipleship September Week 4

September 22nd - 28th

Let Justice Roll Down

Watch the Youtube video of this week's lesson.
This weeks big truth is:
God wants his people to hate evil, love good, and seek justice.
This weeks memory verse is: 
Let justice roll down like waters.
 (Amos 5:24)

Here are a few questions for your family to discuss this week based on the teaching your kids received in class on Sunday. Space these questions out throughout the week and find natural times to bring them up. Use these questions to spark conversation over dinner or on a car ride.

Question One: What had God's people forgotten in Amos's day? What was God like? And what does he want his people to be like?

Question Two: If we love God, how should we treat the people that God made?

Question Three: How does God feel when we come to worship him and we are not nice to other people?

Question Four: Whom did God send to destroy evil and begin his perfect kingdom? Why was Jesus able to destroy evil on the cross? how do sinful people like us get to be part of God's perfect kingdom?
Question Five: Why is Jesus coming back to the earth someday? What will he do?
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