Family Discipleship March 2nd

March 2nd - 8th

Confessing Christ

The Big Picture: One day Jesus and his disciples traveled to a place with a big name: Caesarea Philippi. It was a big name because it was named after some important people: the Roman Emperor (Caesar) and the Jewish ruler of that region (Herod Philip). But its importance didn't stop there. It had not one but two temples. One was th eTemple of Augustus built to honor a Roman Emperor. The other was a temple to the Greek god, Pam. not Peter Pan, just Pan --the god of the goats. yep, the god of the goats! Anyway, it was in this big place --a place filled with worship of the wrong rulers and dead idols --that Jesus asked his disciples a big question. 
Watch the Youtube video for this week together
This weeks big truth is:
Jesus is the Christ, who came to suffer, die, and rise again.
This weeks memory verse is: 
You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.
 (Matthew 16:16)

Reading 1: Daniel 7:13-14; Matthew 16:13-14
Jesus's favorite title for himself was, the Son of Man." Why do you think he liked that name? Who did people in Jesus's day think he was? Who do people in our world today think he is?

Reading 2: Matthew 16:15-17
Did Peter give the right answer toJesus's question? Did he get the right answer because he was super spiritual and super smart?
Reading 3: Matthew 16:21-23
After Peter's correct confession, Jesus talked about how his church would be built and that no power from hell could stop its success. But he also said that first he must suffer and die. Did Peter like what Jesus said? Why was Peter so wrong; why was Jesus's death necessary?
Reading 4: Matthew 16:24
Is the church's mission totally different than Jesus's mission )i.e., he suffered, but we don't need to suffer)? What are some ways that Satan might tempt us to take the easy path and not obey Jesus's tough teaching?
Reading 5: Matthew 16:25-28
Will God's people win in the end? When will our final victory come? Who will have the better life in eternity--the man who lived for himself and gained many riches or earth or the poor man who lived for Jesus even though it meant sacrifices and even the loss of his job and home?
The gospel clearly teaches that Jesus is the promised Messiah and the always-existing Son of God. We need to know who Jesus is like Peter did. But we also need to know what he came to do. Jesus came to suffer and die and rise. And through his suffering, death, and resurrection he brings the kingdom of heaven down to earth. First ones the cross, then comes the crown. If we trust in Jesus--that he came for us, suffered and died for us, and rose from the dead for us--we will live forever in his perfect kingdom. And Jesus calls us right now to pick up our cross and follow him. 

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