Family Discipleship September Week 5

September 29th - October 5th

Famine and Feast

Watch the Youtube video of this week's lesson.
This weeks big truth is:
God's people should worship the God who speaks and saves by loving him and loving others.
This weeks memory verse is: 
Man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.
 (Deuteronomy 8:3)

Here are a few questions for your family to discuss this week based on the teaching your kids received in class on Sunday. Space these questions out throughout the week and find natural times to bring them up. Use these questions to spark conversation over dinner or on a car ride.

Question One: How did God's people get out of slavery in Egypt? How did God teach them how he wanted them to live?

Question Two: If we truly love God with our whole heart, who else will we love?

Question Three: The northern kingdom acted like they loved God by singing to him and making sacrifices, but how did God know they were just acting? What did Amos say was coming because God's people didn't love others the way that God had commanded?

Question Four: What thing happened when God judged his people? What was the worst thing that God promised to do? What would it be like to never hear from God again? What good news did Amos give about the future?
Question Five: How did Amos describe the sky when he talked about God's judgement? What was the sky like when Jesus died on the cross? What do you think God was trying to show us? How can we escape God's judgement for our sin and receive his promised blessings?

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